Never did I imagine that I would live in Wisconsin — and to be completely honest, I’m still defining my true purpose for being here.

If you’re anything like me (or human for that matter), you need sunshine and notice a complete shift in your energy when you haven’t had enough.

Whoever defined ‘seasonal depression’, I thank them. It assures me that I am not going completely crazy and that much like many people across the world, we all feel a bit low and less energized in the winter months, due to the cold temperatures, shorter days, and the (initially) beautiful snow that lasts way too long.
I knew I had to be facing a bit of seasonal depression when I caught myself skipping morning yoga and stretching sessions to stay in bed longer, hoping that plans I scheduled were canceled (Hey, we’re being honest here!), and not being able to think of a single way to have fun and enjoy myself throughout the weekends. Lastly, when I caught myself one late night on Tiktok searching “signs of depression”, I knew it was time to make a few changes to restore joy and ‘warmth’ back into my daily routine.
After 3 winters in the midwest, these are some of the habits I implement (especially during the winter months), that keep me well, energized, positive-minded, and productive.
Incorporate more fruits and vegetables in your diet.Not to sound like your mom, but seriously... Eat your colors! Juicing makes it very convenient for me to get my fresh fruit and veggie intake in during busy work weeks - I prep them the Sunday evening before the week and grab two on the way out of the house daily adding the perfect burst of flavor to my morning and mid day.

Take your vitamins. Vitamin C & Vitamin D supplements are great for energy. I’ve recently began taking Ritual (Not Sponsored) because after a bit of research, I wanted a trusted vitamin that could fill me up with all of the nutrients my body needs without spending hundreds on loading up on tons of vitamins that I’m (honestly) still practicing to take more consistently.
Keep your body moving. Whatever you don’t move, gets stiff. If you’re not comfortable getting back in the gym yet, incorporating a few at-home workouts, stretches, and yoga practices are great for getting your body flowing. Youtube is your bestfriend for this. One of my favorite yogi instructors is Arianna Elizabeth! She can be found on YouTube and has videos for every skill level.
Slower mornings. Allowing time for devotion/prayer/podcasts/affirmations, breakfast preparation, or more present drives to work. I notice a complete difference when I speed the whole way to work missing key details in my drive - in auto pilot - versus when I actually take it a bit slower, thanking God for his creations and the blessings in my life along the way..

Meet up/reach out to family members and friends. Saturdays are my check-in days. I can easily catch myself on the phone or facetime with family members or friends anywhere from 20 minutes to 2 hours over the weekends. Now, we may not always have time for this, but I do notice that during the colder months, I’m home alot more over the weekends and am able to take the time to reach out to my loved ones.I've never finished a call with a family member or friend and say "I wish we didn't talk today!"
I would love to know which habits you incorporate into your winter months!
Where do you live in the world? How cold do winters get where you are?
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